Featured T-shirt
If you would like to have Control Freaks produce a shirt for you and sell it in our store as a Featured T, please get in touch. We would love to help promote your business alongside of our own. In the example above you can see that the CF logos will be minimal and the bulk of the designs space is yours.
We will sell the shirts in our store for you. Shipping and taxes will all be taken care of. It will basically be a hands-free process on your end.
This is not a sponsorship. It will cost you nothing to be featured. I just want to help promote the businesses that are helping to grow this sport. All you have to do is get in touch, supply a design or logo and let us do the rest. We will create the shirt and list it for you on our store. We can then supply you with a link and/or QR code to help you lead people to your featured shirt. It is an easy way to help promote your skilled-motorcycle-rider brand or business.
We can also sell directly to you at a wholesale discount if you would like to have your own supply to sell in-house.
Contact us to get your Featured T-shirt listed in our store. Continued success to you all and Safe Rides.